Category: Lombok

  • How to use the @Value annotation from Project Lombok



    In this post, we discuss what the @Value annotation from Project Lombok does and how to use it. We will also discuss frequently asked questions such as the difference between @Value and @Data. If you haven’t already, please check out our own Lombok annotations cheat sheet in order to get started with Lombok and the…

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using Project Lombok



    Project Lombok is a great library that can help you avoid writing boilerplate code and saves you precious time. But is it right for your project? Well, it really depends on the nature of your project and how you intend to use the library. In this post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of…

  • How to use the @Cleanup annotation from Lombok



    In this post, we will discuss how to use the @Cleanup annotation from Project Lombok. We will also discuss if it is wise to use this annotation and if it is better than a try-with-resources statement. What is the @Cleanup Annotation in Lombok The @Cleanup annotation from Project Lombok attempts to reduce boilerplate code such…

  • The Ultimate Lombok Annotations Guide



    In this post, we will discuss the different annotations that are offered by Lombok and what are the effects of these annotations on Java classes. If you haven’t already, please make sure to check our guide on how to add Lombok to your Spring boot project. This will help you get up and running with…

  • How to use Lombok with Spring Boot

    Project Lombok is one of those libraries that a lot of developers appreciate. Not only because it saves you a lot of time writing boilerplate code, but you also end up with leaner and cleaner code which is easier and more pleasant to read. If you are considering to introduce Lombok to your project, then…