Author: user

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • How to use database sequences with JPA/Hibernate entities

    When creating a new database table, you can decide how the table’s identifier column value will be generated. One way of doing this is to use a database sequence. A database sequence can be used to generated the next value or next value range that will be reserved for usage as table row identifier values.…

  • Defining projections with Jackson views, REST and Spring Boot

    Sometimes it makes sense to reuse DTOs when building REST interfaces. It is convenient as you do not need to re-implement them for every interface and it makes your API consistent as changes in the DTO will be reflected everywhere. However, you might need to send different subsets of data at different interfaces. For example,…

  • Integrate OWASP dependency-check reports with SonarQube

    In our previous tutorial, we discussed how to configure the OWASP dependency-check maven plugin to analyze maven projects for vulnerable dependencies. The dependency check report provides a detailed report of vulnerable JAR libraries used in your project. In this tutorial, we discuss how to integrate the dependency check report into your Sonar analysis and your…

  • How to identify vulnerable dependencies in a Maven project

    Software security is an essential component of any enterprise or large scale software product. Making sure that your software product is secure protects your product from a range of attacks and helps safeguard the safety of your users’ data. Sometimes, it is even required due to laws and regulations of your industry. In this tutorial,…

  • How to configure fiegn clients to perform HTTP requests in Spring

    In our previous tutorial, we discussed how to configure and enable OpenFeign and Feign clients in a Spring boot application. In this tutorial, we will dig deeper into Feign clients and discuss how to create and configure Feign clients to call external services using the HTTP GET, PUT. POST and DELETE functions. We will also…

  • How to configure OpenFeign with Spring boot

    In this tutorial, we will discuss how to configure OpenFeign and a Feign client in a Spring boot application in order to make a REST call to a REST API service in another application. The goal of this tutorial is to get you started with OpenFeign basics in Spring boot and to demonstrate how you…

  • How to perform operations on lists in Python

    Lists are an essential component of many Python programs. Weather you are creating a list of people who are in an office room, or you are working on data for a machine learning program, you will eventually need to use and work with a list data structure to manage your data. Python provides a flexible…

  • String manipulation in Python



    Strings are central and important components in any programming language and they are needed in almost any type of application (commercial, scientific, medical, etc..). Think of all things you can store in a String such as names, addresses, communication data and much more. Therefore, it is important to get to know how to use and…

  • How to configure path variables in Spring controllers

    Path variables are an essential component which we use when interacting with REST APIs. In this tutorial, we will discuss what path variables are (not to be confused with query parameters) and how to use and configure them in Spring controllers. If you are just starting out with building REST APIs in Spring or Spring…