Author: iba

  • Advantages and disadvantages of using Project Lombok



    Project Lombok is a great library that can help you avoid writing boilerplate code and saves you precious time. But is it right for your project? Well, it really depends on the nature of your project and how you intend to use the library. In this post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of…

  • How to use the @Cleanup annotation from Lombok



    In this post, we will discuss how to use the @Cleanup annotation from Project Lombok. We will also discuss if it is wise to use this annotation and if it is better than a try-with-resources statement. What is the @Cleanup Annotation in Lombok The @Cleanup annotation from Project Lombok attempts to reduce boilerplate code such…

  • The Ultimate Lombok Annotations Guide



    In this post, we will discuss the different annotations that are offered by Lombok and what are the effects of these annotations on Java classes. If you haven’t already, please make sure to check our guide on how to add Lombok to your Spring boot project. This will help you get up and running with…

  • How to use Lombok with Spring Boot

    Project Lombok is one of those libraries that a lot of developers appreciate. Not only because it saves you a lot of time writing boilerplate code, but you also end up with leaner and cleaner code which is easier and more pleasant to read. If you are considering to introduce Lombok to your project, then…

  • What does an SSD’s TBW stand for and is it important

    In this post, we will discuss what is TBW of an SSD is. We will also let you know how to determine if the TBW of an SSD is appropriate for your needs when buying an SSD. So stay tuned 😉 What is TBW? TBW stands for Terabytes Written. It can also be referred to…

  • How to calculate the Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

    The Exponential Moving Average (or EMA for short) is one of the most commonly used indicators by stock and commodities markets traders. In this guide, we will discuss how to calculate the exponential moving average in a step by step algorithm. Why is the Exponential Moving Average called “Exponential” The Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is…

  • Type casting primitive data types in Java

    This tutorial focuses on the different type-casting operations that could be performed in Java (such as double to int and vise verca), using primitive data-types, and the consequences from performing such operations. What is Type Casting? In programming, type casting is the process of “casting” a value of a certain data type, into a storage…

  • Bitwise AND “&” operator on Integers in Java

    In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use the bitwise AND operator “&” on integers, and the side effects that this would have such as on signed and unsigned numbers. Before we start, I recommend that you check out our article about the best books and learning material that you could use to jump-start…

  • Most popular 1TB SATA SSDs currently on the market (2019)

    In recent years, the prices of solid state disks (SSDs) have decreased, making them more accessible to consumers. But with the decrease in price came also an increase in the number of options that are available to choose. The aim of this post is to provide an overview of the popular SATA interface SSDs that…

  • How to calculate the Relative Strength Index (RSI)

    We would like to do something different in this post. Usually, we focus more on programming and Java. However, in this post, we will have some fun by discussing how to calculate the Relative Strength Index (RSI) in a step by step guide. And because this is, we will also provide you with an…