Category: Spring
Getting started with Spring boot 2 and JPA
In this tutorial, we will build a simple Spring boot 2 application with access to a Postgres database using JPA. Background: Before we get started, let us get a couple of definitions out of the way. What is JPA? JPA stands for the “Java Persistence API”. It is a java specification that defines how data…
Configure MBeans in Spring boot using Java config and Jolokia
In this article, we will create a new custom MBean. We will show how to configure this bean and then we will test it using Jolokia (JMX over HTTP). Before we start, I highly recommend that you also check our Jolokia and Spring boot tutorial before you proceed as it will make understanding this post much…
How to configure Jolokia on a Spring boot server
In this article, we will find out how to configure Jolokia on a Spring Boot 2 server. We will also configure Jolokia on a different management port and a different base URL. Jolokia is a JMX over HTTP bridge that allows system administrators to access their MBeans and JMX functionalities over HTTP and JSON. Getting…
Spring Boot & Freemarker Configuration Example
Freemarker is a powerful Java template engine. It can be used to generate basically anything, from HTML pages, configuration files, e-mails, or anything else. All you need to do is define your template, use Java to prepare the data, and use the Freemarker engine to process your data with the given template to produce the…