Affiliate Disclaimer

On, we review only the products and services that we believe in and that we think have value.

That is why we promote certain products in our posts. Not only because it might be beneficial to our website’s finances, but also because we think these are good products.

Before you choose to purchase any product or service through our affiliate links, we encourage you that you not only read our reviews and our recommendations, but to also encourage you to do your own research

And if you find that the product or service fits your needs at the end of the day, then we would appreciate a lot it if you do use our affiliate links as it helps this website to keep going and thrive.


Individual disclaimers:

Please note that this website is a member of the Amazon associates program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

We are also participating in the FastComet affiliate program. So when you purchase something through our FastComet affiliate links, we receive a commission.

For more information regarding our privacy policy, please visit the privacy policy page here.